Eating Right
by Āyasmā Kumāra
Āyasmā Kumāra shares eating right as it is commonly understood that monks are not supposed to be choosy about their food and should eat whatever is given to them.
by Āyasmā Kumāra
Āyasmā Kumāra shares eating right as it is commonly understood that monks are not supposed to be choosy about their food and should eat whatever is given to them.
by Ajahn Varado
Ajahn Varado shares his thoughts on a contentious issue. Although meant for monks, it is just as relevant for the laity.
Copyright Infringement and Vinaya Read More »
by Āyasmā Balacitta
Ven Balacitta shows how a lay person can win praises from the Buddha and be a first-class thoroughbred.
A Winning Thoroughbred Read More »