Resident Monks
This page provides background information (i.e. nationality, ordination date, age) about monks residing or having resided at SBS Monk Training Centre.
After some initial hesitation we decided to also include information about specific qualities and interests of these monks, so as to highlight the variety of characters, inclinations and lifestyles found within the Bhikkhusaṅgha, which is much more diverse than one would otherwise expect. This is not to say that these beautiful qualities are found only in monks staying at SBS. Neither is it to imply that exclusively positive qualities are found in them. However, in keeping with Sappurisasutta (AN 4.73) and Dutiyaāghātapaṭivinayasutta (AN 5.162) we choose to focus particularly on the positive qualities, so as to be inspired to cultivate these qualities in ourselves (monastics and laity alike) whenever there is an opportunity.
This page may also be of interest for regular morning dāna visitors to SBS and its parent body “Taiping Insight Meditation Society (TIMS)”, to provide an introduction of each monk even without personal interaction with him.

Āyasmā Aggacitta
Nationality: Malaysian
Ordained: 29.12.1979
Born: 1954
Pāli scholar, Dhamma practitioner, writer, innovative educator using interactive and experiential approaches; initiated in Malaysia mindful hiking retreats and sutta workshops on topics related to meditation and application of introspective mindfulness in daily life; master of the Vinaya; a self-confessed “truth seeker at heart and Theravāda monk by circumstance”
(click pic for more info)

Āyasmā Ariyadhammika
Nationality: Austrian
Ordained: 14.07.2005
Born: 1976
Knowledgeable and passionate about suttas and Early Buddhism; Vinaya expert; Pātimokkha reciter; extensive familiarity with meditation methods, as well as customs, practices and interpretations of the DhammaVinaya prevalent in the three main Theravāda countries, having spent five years in Burma, three years in Thailand and three years in Sri Lanka
(click pic for more info)

Āyasmā Guttacitta
Nationality: Malaysian
Ordained: 18.10.2009
Born: 1967
Seasoned meditator; conscientious; respectful; polite; ex Mahayana monk; extraordinary khanti in relation to physical pain; good sewing skills

Sayadaw U Khaymainda
Nationality: Myanmar
Ordained: 28.12.2009
Born: 1970
Very fluent Pātimokkha reciter (min. 28 min.); highly adaptable; easy to get along with; keen meditator; self-reliant; conscientious; has spartan needs

Āyasmā Sobhanavaṁsa
Nationality: Czech
Ordained: 19.06.2013
Born: 1976
Ordained in Sri Lanka, Galudva tradition; keen in improving and learning new skills; Pātimokkha reciter with good Pāli pronunciation; humble and easy to talk to; frugal and contented

Āyasmā Mahābodhi
Nationality: Italian
Ordained: 11.10.2015
Born: 1974
Calm & quiet; considerate and sensitive, in the positive sense of the word; keen in Sutta and Pāli studies, as well as meditation; easy to get along with; easy to support

Āyasmā Devamitta
Nationality: Russian
Ordained: 20.06.2017
Born: 1988
Strong interest in Dhamma and meditation from the perspective of Early Buddhism; keen in Pāli studies; is eager to learn and willing to share the Dhamma; excels in openness; is known to be honest, articulate and humorous

Āyasmā Kusalacāra
Nationality: Mexican
Ordained: 24.04.2018
Born: 1983
Analytical; creative; openness towards tools and methods that can help overcome blockages on the bath to liberation; keen to apply these tools in himself and providing support to like-minded individuals

Āyasmā Pamodadhammika
Nationality: French
Ordained: 24.05.2020
Born: 1981
Seasoned meditator with strong foundation in the Goenka technique; keen practitioner as well as teacher of Nonviolent Communication (by Marshall Rosenberg); can speak Mandarin and now also studying Pāli; enjoys a simple and austere lifestyle in nature; can organize and manage projects if necessary; excels in open mindedness

Āyasmā Paññādhammika
Nationality: Malaysian
Ordained: 22.10.2021
Born: 1989
Broad Dhamma knowledge; avid reader; science background; can explain the Dhamma through the lens of modern Physics; emphasizes the ethical value of (voluntary) veganism; excels in patience

Āyasmā Kittisobhana
Nationality: Russian
Ordained: 25.10.2022
Born: 1999
Eager in learning and spiritual development; good balance between study and practice; helpful in nature; good listener and friend at times of difficulties; enjoys seclusion

Āyasmā Puññadhammika
Nationality: Malaysian
Ordained: 15.12.2024
Born: 1960
Kind and gentle; diligent and reliable in monastic duties; despite his advanced age, can sit in samādhi for many hours; supported the construction of the SBS Sīmā hall when it was built 20+ years ago, and was able to ordain in that very same building more than 20 years later.

Āyasmā Uṭṭhānadhammika
Nationality: Malaysian
Ordained: 15.12.2024
Born: 1973
Of kindhearted, humble, and respectful nature; effortful and diligent in the Dhamma practice; background as a physics teacher; brings a sharp and analytical attitude to the Dhamma, as well as to making robes, brooms etc.

Sayadaw U Thawbita
Nationality: Myanmar
Ordained: 1982
Born: 1960
Lived alone in a cave for 30+ years. Enjoys seclusion, reading Pāli canonical texts in Pāli and Myanmar translation, and meditation; is inclined to memorise and recite preferred Pāli passages

Sayadaw U Nandaka
Nationality: Myanmar
Ordained: 28.04.1987
Born: 1967
Knowledgeable in the DhammaVinaya; good practitioner and well known Dhamma teacher in Myanmar; quiet; conscientious; polite conduct; contented

Āyasmā Mahāñāno
Nationality: Malaysian
Ordained: 21.04.1988
Born: 1956
Well integrated in the Thai forest tradition; authored Pāli-Chinese translations; speaks English, Mandarin, Hokkien, Thai and Malay; productive; good sewing skills and sewing teacher; enjoys seclusion

Āyasmā Kusala
Nationality: Malaysian
Ordained: 26.12.1996
Born: 1959
Upholds the ideal of a homeless monk who doesn’t attach to places; a reliable source concerning developments and trends in the Malaysian Saṅgha and for fostering good relationships among its monasteries and communities

Āyasmā Guttapala
Nationality: Malaysian
Ordained: 16.06.1997
Born: 1971
Has good social network among monks in Malaysia; open to various methods of spiritual practice

Āyasmā Kumāra
Nationality: Malaysian
Ordained: 23.07.1999
Born: 1972
Dhamma speaker and writer. Dhamma coach. Self-taught counsellor. Speaks English, Mandarin, Hokkien, Hakka, and Malay
(click pic for more info)

Āyasmā Saṅgāmaji
Nationality: Austrian
Ordained: 27.06.2000
Born: 1974
Love and respect for the Dhamma; good knowledge of the Suttas; interest in a simple lifestyle, meditation, training of the mind, and modern psychology wherever it can support the Buddhist path to liberation

Āyasmā Sambodhi
Nationality: Czech
Ordained: 15.07.2000
Born: 1965
Highly conscientious; earnest meditator; enjoys seclusion; can memorize and recite the Pātimokkha; has practiced the Dhamma in many countries and traditions

Sayadaw U Kumarra
Nationality: Myanmar
Ordained: 12.05.2001
Born: 1969
Experienced in conducting Buddhist ceremonies & rites; good reciter of Pāli texts

Āyasmā Ṭhitavijjo
Nationality: Malaysian
Ordained: 07.07.2004
Born: 1972
Highly conscientious; earnest meditator; good Pāli and Dhamma knowledge; penchant for memorising and chanting Pāli passages; Pātimokkha reciter

Āyasmā Balacitta
Nationality: Malaysian
Ordained: 08.08.2004
Born: 1964
Strong advocate and good example of a monk who prefers simple accommodations and lifestyle; enjoys seclusion; endeavours to follow the “original teaching of the Buddha” as he understands it through his study of the Pāli Nikāyas; Pātimokkha reciter

Āyasmā Sumana
Nationality: Sinhalese
Ordained: 24.01.2006
Born: 1985
Vinaya and Abhidhamma expert; author of several Dhamma books; humble; soft-spoken; Pātimokkha reciter; excels in contentment and kindness

Āyasmā Dhammananda
Nationality: American
Ordained: 19.08.2005
Born: 1957
Pātimokkha reciter; very accurate Pāli pronunciation; conscientious; passionate outgoing personality

Āyasmā Subharo
Nationality: Canadian
Ordained: 30.10.2008
Born: 1976
Enjoys seclusion; reasonable; high willingness to evaluate his own views and preferences in the light of the Buddha’s teachings and then adapt accordingly; can explain complex matters clearly

The late Āyasmā Meghacitta
Nationality: Malaysian
Ordained: 12.05.2009
Born: 1970
Deceased: 22.08.2017
Highly conscientious; strong in effort; Pātimokkha reciter; frugal; orderly; meticulous; obliging

Āyasmā Visuddha
Nationality: South Korean
Ordained: 14.06.2009
Born: 1977
Friendly; adaptable to circumstances; independent; especially resourceful in IT

Āyasmā Upasama
Nationality: German
Ordained: 18.06.2009
Born: 1970
Extraordinary commitment to the holy life; enjoys seclusion and warm climate; a man of few words, but with a big heart; helpful, polite and responsive to suggestions; likes to memorize and chant Pāli texts, which is one of the rare occasions to hear his voice

Āyasmā Sugathasiri
Nationality: Sri Lankan
Ordained: 19.06.2009
Born: 1986
Can remain in good spirits even when sick; strong practice orientation; good Sutta background; flexible; very likable due to open-mindedness and general cheerfulness

Āyasmā Sampajaññacitta
Nationality: Malaysian
Ordained: 18.10.2009
Born: 1958
Respectful; hospitable; enjoys simplicity, nature and seclusion; enthusiastic in selflessly sharing the good things he discovered in his practice

Āyasmā Bodhicitta
Nationality: Malaysian
Ordained: 18.10.2009
Born: 1984
Independent thinker with a leaning towards innovative ways of practice; enjoys seclusion

Āyasmā Sallekho
Nationality: Canadian
Ordained: 19.07.2010
Born: 1982
At his first Uposatha after ordination A. Sallekho already recited the Pātimokkha himself; keen in Pāli studies; good language skills (fluency in English, Thai, Chinese); enjoys living in the forest; experienced at giving guidance to junior novices and monks; knowledgeable in the Vinaya; keen in learning new skills

Āyasmā Nārada
Nationality: Sri Lankan
Ordained: 18.06.2011
Born: 1959
Very fluent Pātimokkha reciter; keen interest in Dhamma and meditation; humble, friendly and easygoing personality; contented and easily satisfied

Āyasmā Jinasiri
Nationality: Australian
Ordained: 19.6.2011
Born: 1981
Sharp minded, yet kindhearted; while being a skilled educator himself, he still remains open to learn new things; went back to his native Australia soon after ordination to wander and practice in nature; Pātimokkha reciter

Āyasmā Candana
Nationality: Australian
Ordained: 12.05.2012
Born: 1965
Values anonymity

Āyasmā Viveka
Nationality: Canadian
Ordained: 21.12.2013
Born: 1976
Excels in openness and creative approaches to the Dhamma; introduced “Insight Dialogue” to SBS; values harmony in the Saṅgha and a good cup of coffee (sometimes the latter may support the former); inspiring speaker and educator

Āyasmā Sudanto
Nationality: South Korean
Ordained: 18.10.2014
Born: 1969
Keen in meditation and great familiarity with the teachings and practices of Luang Ta Maha Bua; helpful, adaptable, respectful

Āyasmā Rāhula
Nationality: Mexican
Ordained: 08.11.2015
Born: 1983
Abhidhamma expert; skilled speaker and educator; open-minded; good-natured; excels in gratitude towards teachers and supporters; passionate about Dhamma; high in curiosity

Āyasmā Nirodha
Nationality: Malaysian
Ordained: 10.04.2016
Born: 1977
Conscientious; diligent in meditation; self-reliant; helpful

Āyasmā Ṭhānuttamo
Nationality: German
Ordained: 09.07.2016
Born: 1987
Diligent and productive; keen in Pāḷi grammar and tipiṭaka/aṭṭhakathā/ṭīkā reading; passionate about traditional root Vinaya observance and practice in quiet, lonely forests; particular interest in the Paṭisambhidāmagga; complementary interest also in Buddhist history and Western Psychology

Āyasmā Upekkhādhammika
Nationality: South Korean
Ordained: 14.04.2019
Born: 1982
Familiarity with many meditation teachers and their methods; intend on avoiding extremes and maintaining inner balance; a monk of few wishes who can live simply and in any environment; helpful and soft spoken

Āyasmā Pāladhammika
Nationality: American
Ordained: 14.04.2019
Born: 1994
Of endearing personality; caring and reliable; humble; keen on sutta studies and their comparison with the āgamas and other early Buddhist texts; interest in Pāli pronunciation; delights in forest dwellings

Āyasmā Nanda
Nationality: Czech
Ordained: 08.07.2019
Born: 1983
Practitioner of open awareness with bent towards introspective contemplation; has high regard for the Vinaya and can grasp complex matters quickly; keen practitioner of Insight Dialogue (by Gregory Kramer); very helpful and diligent in nature

Āyasmā Dhammasudassī
Nationality: American
Ordained: 18.06.2019
Born: 1978
Knowledgeable and highly conscientious in the Vinaya; intellectually curious; non-sectarian in his approach to DhammaVinaya; English language expert

Āyasmā Chandasota
Nationality: Malaysian
Ordained: 05.10.2019
Born: 1960
Kind-hearted and soft-spoken; good team player; of caring and helpful character

Āyasmā Yogadhammika
Nationality: American
Ordained: 24.05.2020
Born: 1986
Soft spoken and gentle; keen on fostering equanimity and ‘letting go’; a monk of few wishes and a large degree of contentment; values naturalness and non-interference as a means for his personal wellbeing

Āyasmā Kappadhammika
Nationality: American
Ordained: 24.05.2020
Born: 1987
Good Dhamma knowledge due to his liking for sutta studies; knows from personal experience the dangers of sensuality and has strong commitment towards the ending of saṁsāra; free thinker with a distaste for orthodoxy

Āyasmā Vimuttadhammika
Nationality: Dutch
Ordained: 24.05.2020
Born: 1991
Of friendly and open personality; caring and reliable; energetic and diligent in meditation, as well as in the fulfillment of monastic duties; excels in quick wittedness and firm grasp of the Vinaya within a short period of time; lucid speaker and writer of the Dhamma; of helpful nature

Āyasmā Khemadhammika
Nationality: Czech
Ordained: 03.04.2021
Born: 1987
Friendly and kind; quick witted and strong in logic and reason; one of the few to whom tranquility of mind comes easy; witty when in company, yet a serious meditator

Āyasmā Sudhīra
Nationality: Canadian
Ordained: 20.06.2021
Born: 1999
Highly conscientious, gentle, and kind; learned in the Dhamma and Vinaya; delights in simplicity; helpful and of humble nature; easy to guide and difficult to upset

Āyasmā Upālidhammika
Nationality: Malaysian
Ordained: 21.05.2022
Born: 1998
Highly interested in monastic training and discipline; skilled reciter of the Pātimokkha; managed to memorize the entire SBS Recitation book in record-time; humorous; helpful and loyal in nature

Āyasmā Ñāṇadhammika
Nationality: American
Ordained: 11.02.2023
Born: 1953
Keen in Dhamma and Pāli studies, as well as supporting others in that; friendly and gentle; excellent librarian, can be found either sitting with a stack of books, or practicing walking meditation

Āyasmā Santidhammika
Nationality: Italian
Ordained: 11.02.2023
Born: 1978
A man with a gentle voice and a great heart; values equality and integrity; of helpful nature; hands-on; wakes up before most others; can be social, as well as secluded

Āyasmā Cāgadhammika
Nationality: Brazilian
Ordained: 11.02.2023
Born: 1981
Devotional; analytical; Sutta expert; keen in sense restraint; calm and composed; a man of few words and wishes; sees great danger in modern technology

Āyasmā Karuṇāpañño
Nationality: American
Ordained: 02.05.2023
Born: 1991
Witty and analytical; does not shy away from looking at the Dhamma from new angles, and asking challenging questions; open and curious; a good conversation partner on Dhamma or philosophy

Āyasmā Nirodhadhammika
Nationality: Austrian
Ordained: 24.11.2023
Born: 1968
Has learned, practiced, and taught Dhamma for many years, even before ordaining; polite and humble; maintains undivided focus on meditation; keeps the Saṅgha healthy by means of his experience in Shiatsu; delights in seclusion

Āyasmā Jayadhammika
Nationality: Canadian
Ordained: 24.11.2023
Born: 1999
Intellectually sharp and creative; delights in simplicity, living in the open, and an ascetic lifestyle; respectful and easy to admonish; a good person for a deep (and long) Dhamma conversation

Āyasmā Virāgadhammika
Nationality: Canadian
Ordained: 11.02.2024
Born: 2001
Blessed to ordain while still young in age; while being keen in seclusion, he remains warm and kindhearted; good listener; helpful; a deep thinker with a background in Western philosophy; carefree; humorous