Āyasmā Candana
Nationality: Australian
Ordained: 12.05.2012
Born: 1965
Values anonymity
Nationality: Canadian
Ordained: 21.12.2013
Born: 1976
Excels in openness and creative approaches to the Dhamma; introduced “Insight Dialogue” to SBS; values harmony in the Saṅgha and a good cup of coffee (sometimes the latter may support the former); inspiring speaker and educator
Nationality: South Korean
Ordained: 18.10.2014
Born: 1969
Keen in meditation and great familiarity with the teachings and practices of Luang Ta Maha Bua; helpful, adaptable, respectful
Nationality: Malaysian
Ordained: 10.04.2016
Born: 1977
Conscientious; diligent in meditation; self-reliant; helpful
Nationality: German
Ordained: 09.07.2016
Born: 1987
Diligent and productive; keen in Pāḷi grammar and tipiṭaka/aṭṭhakathā/ṭīkā reading; passionate about traditional root Vinaya observance and practice in quiet, lonely forests; particular interest in the Paṭisambhidāmagga; complementary interest also in Buddhist history and Western Psychology
Nationality: Czech
Ordained: 08.07.2019
Born: 1983
Practitioner of open awareness with bent towards introspective contemplation; has high regard for the Vinaya and can grasp complex matters quickly; keen practitioner of Insight Dialogue (by Gregory Kramer); very helpful and diligent in nature
Nationality: American
Ordained: 18.06.2019
Born: 1978
Knowledgeable and highly conscientious in the Vinaya; intellectually curious; non-sectarian in his approach to DhammaVinaya; English language expert
Āyasmā Dhammasudassī Read More »
Nationality: Malaysian
Ordained: 05.10.2019
Born: 1960
Kind-hearted and soft-spoken; good team player; of caring and helpful character
Nationality: American
Ordained: 24.05.2020
Born: 1986
Soft spoken and gentle; keen on fostering equanimity and ‘letting go’; a monk of few wishes and a large degree of contentment; values naturalness and non-interference as a means for his personal wellbeing
Āyasmā Yogadhammika Read More »
Nationality: American
Ordained: 24.05.2020
Born: 1987
Good Dhamma knowledge due to his liking for sutta studies; knows from personal experience the dangers of sensuality and has strong commitment towards the ending of saṁsāra; free thinker with a distaste for orthodoxy
Āyasmā Kappadhammika Read More »