
Koay Chin Kwang

The Importance of Being Morally Virtuous

by Āyasmā Aggacitta

Killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, lying and taking intoxicants are universally censurable. One who does these things is considered immoral while one who abstains from them, morally virtuous;and they are karmically responsible for their actions-whether or not they have undertaken the precepts. Nonetheless, undertaking the precepts can help reinforce kindly dispositions and change unkindly ones.

This book is available in English and Chinese.

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Dhamma Therapy Revisited: Cases of Healing through Vipassanā Meditation

by Āyasmā Aggacitta

Ven Aggacitta coined the term “Dhamma Therapy” in the early 80s while he was translating Ven Mahasi Sayadaw’s compilation of cases of miraculous healing in the course of intensive Vipassanā meditation – cases either related personally by the meditators or recorded by highly competent meditation teachers.

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Kathina Then and Now

by Āyasmā Aggacitta

The kathina ceremony is now an internationally established celebration where the Sangha and the laity meet to participate in mutually rewarding, meritorious activities. Throughout the centuries, the way of carrying out the ceremony has changed with local interpretations, practices and customs. How much has deviated from the original scriptural tradition— how much is in accordance with the scriptures and how much is mere invention?

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