
Current Resident Monks

Āyasmā Pamodadhammika

Nationality: French
Ordained: 24.05.2020
Born: 1981

Seasoned meditator with strong foundation in the Goenka technique; keen practitioner as well as teacher of Nonviolent Communication (by Marshall Rosenberg); can speak Mandarin and now also studying Pāli; enjoys a simple and austere lifestyle in nature; can organize and manage projects if necessary; excels in open mindedness

Āyasmā Vimuttadhammika

Nationality: Dutch
Ordained: 24.05.2020
Born: 1991

Of friendly and open personality; caring and reliable; energetic and diligent in meditation, as well as in the fulfillment of monastic duties; excels in quick wittedness and firm grasp of the Vinaya within a short period of time; lucid speaker and writer of the Dhamma; of helpful nature

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