
Vinaya Course

Vinaya Course
January – April 2020

In preparation for higher ordinations (upasampadā) in April 2020, SBS Monk Training Centre will start this year’s three-month Vinaya course on January 13th under the guidance of Āyasmā Ariyadhammika.

The course is meant as a crash course for newcomers and intermediate students of Monastic Discipline (Vinaya). The objective of the course is to provide a thorough understanding of monastic rules and etiquette relevant to prospective monks. For those already ordained, it will deepen their understanding and skill in the practical application of this important aspect of the Buddha’s teachings, the DhammaVinaya.

While the transmission of knowledge of the rules and regulations is doubtlessly a vital element of the course, the fostering of a healthy attitude towards the Vinaya is an equally important objective. An attitude of love and respect for the Vinaya, wholesome shame and fear of wrongdoing, seeing danger in the slightest faults, coupled with an attitude of mettā and compassion for one’s own and others’ shortcomings, will be recurrent topics that participants will discuss.

Daily life examples and practical scenarios of important rules will be deliberated upon, which will allow participants to be well prepared when in daily life situations arise that require quick understanding and decision making about the proper course of conduct (e.g. while traveling).

The course hopes to make participants realise that a life without money, without much property, without a worldly safety net, can turn out to be a fertile ground for wellbeing, spiritual joy and contentment.

Lastly, differences in understanding and practice found in different Theravāda monasteries/traditions/countries will be highlighted. Skillful ways of living in harmony with diversity will be discussed.

By the end of the course, each participant will be well-equipped with a basic understanding of both the letter and spirit of the relevant rules in situations that he will encounter most regularly in his daily life as a monk.

Course material

  • Buddhist Monastic Code I; Aj. Ṭhānissaro
  • Buddhist Monastic Code II; Aj. Ṭhānissaro
  • Bhikkhupāṭimokkha; Aj. Ṭhānissaro

Additional sources

  • Vinayapāli; PTS
  • Book of the Discipline Vol. I – VI; PTS
  • Vinayamukha
  • Ajahn Brahm’s Vinaya Notes
  • Vinaya Training by Ven. Jotipālo
  • Shrī Kaḷyāni Yogāshrama Saṁsthā – Upasampadā Exam Revision Notes
  • Vinaya essays by Āyasmā Aggacitta
  • Vinaya notes by Āyasmā Ariyadhammika

Classes take place from Monday to Friday, one hour a day; an additional hour for reading and preparation for lectures shall be factored in. The course is integrated in the daily schedule of SBS Monk Training Centre in such a way that it allows course participants to maintain their regular meditation practice.

“And how does a bhikkhu possess beauty?
Here, a bhikkhu is virtuous; he dwells restrained by the Pātimokkha,
possessed of good conduct and resort, seeing danger in minute faults.
Having undertaken the training rules, he trains in them.
It is in this way that a bhikkhu possesses beauty.”

~ AN 4.259 ~

For visiting monks, applications for course attendance can be sent to monktrainingcentre@sasanarakkha.org
and approval will be granted depending on the availability of lodgings.

2 thoughts on “Vinaya Course”

    1. Ariyadhammika Bhikkhu

      Greetings Bhagini,

      Thanks for reaching out.
      Some of the Vinaya classes were recorded – some were not.

      While I would love to share the recordings with you, when we started with the Vinaya classes the community agreed to use the recordings only for internal purposes and sharing among residents, so that the Vinaya discussions can unfold freely and without ruffling feathers. As you are surely aware, some individuals or traditions who abide by different standards can easily feel “triggered” if they hear something that goes against their own understanding and practice of the Vinaya.

      For sake of providing a safe zone where it is possible to explore the Vinaya as it was formulated by the Buddha, and not having to water it down to fit any particular tradition, or 21st century sentiments about PC and make it palatable to generation snowflake, we decided to keep the recordings in-house.

      Having said that, I personally find it concerning that nowadays the (strict) Vinaya abiding monastics are self-censuring themselves out of fear of the mob of social justice warriors and woke internet personalities, but it seems that this is still the better choice than arguing with those who have very different attitudes about the Buddha’s teachings, the Dhamma and Vinaya. I hope you understand.

      However, if there is any specific Vinaya question or query about which you would like to hear my perspective, feel free to reach out, and I will reply to you privately as time permits.


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