
Ariyadhammika Bhikkhu

SBS Pāli – English Recitations

In order to foster understanding, memorization and penetration of the Buddha’s teachings, most of the chants contained in this book are recited in Pāli and English line by line in an alternating manner. In this way, over time the chanter becomes increasingly familiar with the phrases and underlying meaning contained therein, whereby a vocabulary of important Dhamma phrases and Buddha quotes grows in the mind of the reciter.

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The Kamma of Arahants

by Āyasmā Ariyadhammika

Actions of Arahants are usually said to be merely functional (kiriya), and the term “kamma” is normally not used in reference to Arahants’ actions. But is such a distinction warranted? This study looks into this topic from the perspective of the discourses and offers insights into the question of whether an Arahant’s actions should be called kamma, kiriya (functional), both, or neither.

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