
We are glad we joined IMP5

In a questionnaire distributed during IMP5, all participants responded that they were glad they joined the programme. Why is that so? Here are some of their answers:

  • I learned about the Buddha’s true teachings, and how to distinguish carefully between the suttas and the commentaries. This dispels some of the myths and (questionable) practices in current Buddhism. Bodhipakkha
  • Kind of finally fulfilled my aspiration to learn from Bhante Aggacitta and be in Sasanarakkha Buddhist Sanctuary (SBS) for a period of time. It also fulfilled part of my purpose for joining IMP—to get some indication of what my destiny should be in this life: renunciation or household life. Mettananda
  • I’ve learnt a lot, especially awareness and mindfulness of my life. I’ve also obtained a very good understanding, through the meditation sessions, of how our mind works. Ātāpi
  • I learnt more about being a monk—its advantages and disadvantages. I got to know friends. I learnt yoga and qigong. I had more time to meditate. I learnt how to wear a robe. Pubbāgata
  • I’ve acquired a lot of skills and knowledge that I can’t learn from any other place. iro
  • It has given me a good idea of monastic life and new knowledge on various aspects of Buddhism (Theravada). I also learnt from other participants who have more experience in Buddhism. Pesala
  • I’ve improved on my general knowledge of Buddhism. I’m glad about the practical experience on piṇḍacāra, the qigong and yoga exercises, and the experience in a quiet and secluded environment. Samiddhāsa
  • I got to learn meditation from a most compassionate Bhante, learn qigong, and meet friends with the same interest in the Dhamma. Maha Sadhu! Saccesī
  • I improved in meditation and observed Eight Precepts (I somehow feel the benefits after two weeks of it). I’ve learnt about health matters, made my mind clearer, and become more knowledgeable. Candimā
  • It’s a very memorable experience, which has helped me especially in identifying my real self with regards to my future dreams and wishes. Jayanta
  • I learnt a lot about the monastic community and the role of the laity. It helped me a lot in spiritual development. Personally, I like and really appreciate the interviews with Bhante. Gambhīradhamma
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