
Hokkien Meditation Retreat

A Retreat with Āyasmā Aggacitta at Sasanarakkha Buddhist Sanctuary Retreat Centre conducted in Hokkien

Date: 13 – 20 November 2015

Application Procedures

1.Complete a hard copy of the attached application form (which is also downloadable from www.sasanarakkha.org). Remember to attach a passport sized photo on the form. Then, mail the completed form (by ORDINARY MAIL) to:


SBS Programmes Head,

64, Lorong 1,

Jalan Sultan Abdul Aziz,

34000 Taiping,



      Note:PleaseDO NOTsend by Poslaju or registered mail

Application forms will not be processed if they are:

a)    sent by email

b)    incomplete (i.e. missing required information, e.g. email)

c)    illegibly filled out

  2.   Once your form is received at the specified address, we shall acknowledge receipt via email. Thereafter, all correspondence  will be done through email. If you do not get any response from Bro Liew 2 weeks after sending your application form, kindly send him an email (afx6393sbs@yahoo.co.uk)

3.  Selection Criteria:  Only yogis who can converse in Hokkien are qualified to apply for this retreat. If you need a Hokkien translator, you do not qualify for the retreat.

       Priority will be given to applicants

i.              who can speak Hokkien and not English

ii.             are/were supporters of SBS or Ayasma Aggacitta

iii.            attending the full retreat

4.  Period of stay:

       i.   All participants must begin their retreat on 13 November 2015.

5.  For enquiries, please contact the Programmes Head, Bro. Liew Chit Sien. You can either:

       i.   send him an email (afx6393sbs@yahoo.co.uk)

       ii.   send him a text message or call him at 017-5069051 (please call only between 4:30pm – 7:00pm)

Please note:

1.    Use your full name as per NRIC when filling out your form.

2.    In addition, write your nickname within parentheses after your full name,

e.g. (Andrew, Ah Choo, Ah Hong).

3.    Use your name as stated in 1 & 2 above when corresponding with the Programmes


4.    Please check your e-mail from time to time, or request someone to do so for you, so

       that you can get the latest info.

5.    Closing date for application is 5 October 2015.

Your co-operation in reading all the info in this mail and following the application procedures is highly appreciated.

Thank you & Sadhu.

Form: Hokkien Meditation Retreat 2015 application formHMR2 2015 Announcement

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