by Āyasmā Aggacitta
Do We Go to the Triple Gem for Refuge? provides indisputable evidence from the Pāli Canon as well as sound reasons to show
the fallacy of such a pervasive and long-held misconception.
In the process of clearly distinguishing the Triple Gem from the Triple Refuge and explaining the range of Buddhist faith, Do We Go to the Triple Gem for Refuge? reveals that during the Buddha’s time, Buddhists did not take refuge in the Triple Gem. Rather, they were encouraged to have faith in the abstract ideal qualities of the Buddha, Dhamma and Community of noble ones (sāvaka·Saṅgha)—only some of which are included in the Triple Gem—while they actually went to Gotama Buddha, his Dhamma Teaching and the Community of monks (bhikkhu·Saṅgha) for refuge.
With this astonishing revelation, Do We Go to the Triple Gem for Refuge? hopes to alert all practicing Buddhists to the need for more caution in their acceptance and practice of what is claimed to be the Buddha’s Teaching.
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Chinese edition: